Mini case study on MugZen's most unique UI element
Designed to engage users when deciding a meditation length, the 'clock widget' underwent a series of revisions through the design process resulting in an element that was easy to use and added delight to the app.
Didn’t look like it belonged with the rest of the app
Was bland and unremarkable to look at
Tricky to come up with a design that communicated everything necessary while keeping visual noise low.
During testing, some users couldn’t figure out what the widget was or how it functioned. It took them a few seconds to understand what to do adding unnecessary friction.
Now that the widget was not clearly and definitively a clock, users were confused about its purpose. There were issues in testing the new version of this widget.
Adding a simple tooltip that appears when the user first encounters the widget allows users to figure out how to set the length of their session without introducing friction.
Participants in user tests were quick to notice the tooltip & were excited by the animation, making exclamations like “It’s the mug! That’s so cute!”
Future versions of the Clock Widget could benefit greatly from having a clear display of how much time a meditation will take. Although the tooltip cleared up a majority of the confusion. Clear labeling could reinforce users' ability to use the clock widget without issue.